December 3rd, 2021

“PHARMAKIA” and the Germ/Virus Theory Fraud
FEAR, A Contagious Mind Disease
If most people knew what a “virus” actually is, and how the term has been twisted, contorted and shoved into the germ theory scam, no-one who's alive and sane today would fall for what the governments, mainstream medicine and mainstream media have been promoting over the last 19 months about alleged “pandemic cases” and "deaths" all over the world; false reports that underpin the subsequent political and legal decisions which include medical martial law, intrusive surveillance, governmental emergency powers, mandates and forced vaccination policies. One thing “they” know from much past dictatorial experience and practice, and are confident in the results, is that that fear sells. But only if we buy it.
Sadly, many have.
In this brief document, I will share with you all you need to know to understand this “virus”/”vaccine” mania which has incessantly terrorized humanity for almost two hundred years. You will see for yourself why this theory/scam is at the heart of the “plan”, "Operation Coronavirus", and that without it, the architects of the New World Order (aka the “Image to the Beast” of Revelation), would not be able to so effortlessly control billions of people. Which in case anyone hasn't noticed, is working like the charm that it is. Just look at how many have blindly and effortlessly CONSENTED and CONFORMED to this totalitarianism quackery.
Fear is their first and most effective weapon, but it only works when the majority are ignorant of history, medicine, science and politics. Sadly, their indoctrination is so deeply rooted that even if you told an otherwise intelligent person that pathogenic contagious viruses do not exist and never have, they would not believe you, despite the overwhelming evidence, good sense and logic that you could provide them. And apparently, the more formal education a person has, the less likely they’ll be able to grasp the truth of these simple yet insidious deceptions. It’s as if they are under a spell.
“spell” - a spoken word or form of words held to have magical or influential power over people, an enchantment.
This is what happens to young minds as they receive their indoctrination in universities, on television and internet programming all over the world. Taught by “professors” and spin-doctors who have mastered their own indoctrination drivel, regurgitated by their own professors in their youth… And the endless loop of idiocy continues.
This is the result of "Ideological Subversion" and it's a mass brainwashing tool used to change people's perspective of reality. They’ve been “Gas-lighted”. Thankfully, the truth always prevails for those who genuinely seek it, and I hope that the information here will empower you, or those you know, who are confused and living in fear or are in denial of the truth which is right in front of them. Remember, the knowledge of truth will set you free!
So, what is a virus?
The Mainstream Version:
“They”, say that viruses are composed of DNA and RNA fragments, pieces of genetic material, and are encased in a protein cover and/or lipid (fat) envelope. According to the popular opinion adopted(contrived) by mainstream science, they're tiny entities that are unique because they fall into the gray area between living and non-living. For instance, some scientists say that viruses are NOT living organisms while others say they're only alive and able to multiply inside the cells of other living things. The cell that they allegedly multiply within is called the host cell. So, on the one hand viruses are non-living, but on the other hand they want us to believe that they become "alive" when in living things.
As the story goes, these so-called “viruses” cannot replicate in living cells on their own, making them essentially parasites, which can replicate in living cells and also affect the biology and behavior of their hosts.
Unlike bacterium, viruses are NOT a cell and thus do not have respiratory, nervous or circulatory systems. Although cells reproduce by making a copy of their DNA, viruses, according to the indoctrinators, do not have the tools to make a copy of their DNA. Despite this, “scientists” claim that viruses have “found other ways" to make new viruses, AS IF they have a will and free thought. Oh my, the nonsense people are willing to believe.
One way viruses are claimed to "replicate” themselves is that they are said to insert their genetic material into a host cell, which in turn causes the cell to make a copy of the virus’ DNA, making more viruses.
Confused? You should be!!
Because NONE of these claims have ever been observed, EVER; yet this is taught as fact in every so-called medical or scientific university to young malleable minds who will eventually graduate and be called “Doctor” or “Scientist” or “Professor”, BELIEVING that what they think they “know” is fact, science and truth. Keep in mind, the professors professors at one time went through the same indoctrination process, as did their professors...etc. Leading back to a handful of wealthy and powerful men within the last 200 years who not only sniffed-out the potential profitability of such a scheme, but realized it’s potential as a control mechanism to manipulate the masses with. Who “they” are is a topic for another time although we’ll mention a few in this document.
It is this confused and illogical misunderstanding of so-called “viruses” that makes the average person view viruses as something dangerous; an invisible enemy that has the potential to kill. And this is the same "definition" given by mainstream media and medical establishments.
So-called contagious and pathogenic viruses like those blamed on the Spanish Flu(even though it started in Kansas and had ZERO to do with anything “Spanish” in nature...), Ebola, SARS, AIDS, Hong Kong Flu, Swine Flu etc., are considered “viral” or “contagious” diseases that can be easily transmitted from person to person through droplets that "fly out" when you sneeze or cough. But is there more to this fantastical story?
The Germ Theory
When it comes disease, there are two competing theories in science. The mainstream theory called the “germ theory” is the one that has been used all over the world for almost two hundred years to attempt to explain diseases. In the 1800s,
Louis Pasteur proposed the theory that disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body. According to this theory, all types of micro-organisms such as viruses(even though it’s not even an “organism” by their own definition), that bacteria, fungi and protozoans are “germs” that are responsible for diseases in humans, animals, and other living organisms. When micro-organisms allegedly cause infections, they're called "pathogens". While this theory allegedly takes other factors into consideration including environmental; the principle cause of disease is claimed to be the pathogen.
In short, the germ theory claims that disease can "strike" anybody and "jump" from one person to another, which is to say people are carriers of disease, and that some diseases are contagious. For this reason, according to “them”, it doesn't matter how health conscious one is as an individual, because diseases from others can supposedly invade your body and make you sick regardless.
This is extremely important to comprehend because this theory claims that micro-organisms or so-called “virus” particles from outside the body cause disease. Claiming that the "germs”, particles or micro-organisms observed within the body, originated from the outside and are the CAUSE of, instead of the result of disease, is like saying if you see firemen outside a burning house, that they obviously caused the fire! Louis Pasteur's theory is what modern medicine is founded on because sadly, Pasteur's theory is vastly more profitable and an excellent weapon for fear and control. Look around, IT’S WORKING.
But what is most incredible about this theory is that it has NEVER been proven. Yet, it dominates modern medicine and so-called “science”; and every allopathic medical doctor learns that the body doesn't have the ability to heal itself without medical intervention in the form of poisonous drugs and/or expensive invasive and dangerous treatments.
"If the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it!” --B J Palmer, D.C.
Scientific Fraud
In the 1870s, Louis Pasteur focused on the study of disease. It was during this time that he reasoned if a vaccine could be "found" for smallpox, then vaccines could be found for all diseases. His so-called discovery of the chicken cholera vaccine seemed to strengthen the germ theory, on paper, but many in the scientific world during his time rejected it. For example, one critic in 1884 gulped down a glass of water heavily mixed with Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium allegedly associated with the disease called Cholera. Nothing happened to him, of course! So much for THAT “theory”. But that didn't stop the germ theory dipshittery from gaining popularity despite its evident flaws. It’s popularity is firmly rooted in it’s potential for financial and political gains.
Although celebrated by modern science today, Pasteur was in fact an impostor and a fraud. Before he died, Pasteur recognized the legitimacy of the Terrain Theory, which his contemporaries like Bechamp proved to be correct, but despite this, he requested that his lab records remain private for 100 years! What did he have to hide?
Dr. Gerald L. Geison (The Institute of History, Princeton University) spent 20 years going through Pasteur's private records of his laboratory work, roughly 10,000 pages and discovered countless false claims. An example of the massive fraud Pasteur committed include stating that some animals survived BECAUSE of the vaccination when in fact they had NOT been vaccinated. On the same note, he would claim that the animals that died during his experiments were the unvaccinated ones when in fact they were the ones that were vaccinated.
Like the false claims made by Louis Pasteur, modern science continues to sell these lies and illusions to the world because most people believe that scientists "know" what they're doing or talking about. This is one of the reasons science is seen as a cult-like religion by many because no-one questions it. However, there are too MANY flaws to ignore or to base public health decisions on. For instance, a quintessential part of determining if there is such a thing as a contagious “virus” and whether it's the cause of disease, is to identify it and then PROVE it by purifying, isolating and genetically sequencing it. But this has NEVER been done, for ANY so-called “contagious virus”.
Dr. Stefan Lanka, a Biologist and virologist here in our time (2021) states that; "... a virus has never been isolated according to the meaning of the word isolation, and it has never been photographed and biochemically characterized as a whole unique structure. In reality, the electron micro-graphics of the alleged viruses show quite normal cellular particles from dying tissues and cells, and most photos show only a computer model (CGI - Computer Generated Images)."
Dr. Lanka has also recently won a landmark case in the Supreme Court of Germany which definitively proved that there is no evidence ever provided anywhere that Measles is caused by a so-called “virus”. In other words, “they” fabricated a false cause, “they” MADE IT UP! Just as they have for the flu, polio, AIDS/HIV, and everything up to and including SARS-CoV-2 (the Coronavirus)-(the alleged cause of Covid-19 symptoms, which happen to be identical to “flu symptoms” and is in reality merely the natural human detoxification process, NOT the result of a contagious “virus”.)
The Terrain Theory (The most plausible reasoning for what causes disease)
According to the terrain theory of disease, germs do not cause disease. Instead, organisms are subjected to disease because of the quality of the terrain and those elements(and toxins) it encounters within said terrain.
The word "terrain" refers to the internal cellular environment of the body. For this reason, susceptibility to any disease doesn't depend on germs or microbes, but on the quality of the individual's bodily terrain. This theory was first initiated by Claude Bernard, and later tested and further developed by Antoine Bechamp.
Unlike the germ theory where the microbe is always the culprit, the terrain theory states that it's the level and type of toxicity a person has in their own bodythat determines the type, severity and frequency of disease.
The concept is that “germs”, bacterial microbes, or even DNA/RNA “fragments”, whether outside or within the body, are NOT the cause of, but the result of cellular toxicity disease; just as the presence of firemen spraying water on a fire is the result of a fire and not it’s cause. This is a very essential point to grasp, for if germs did cause disease, and germs are with us all the time, as we KNOW they are, then we would ALWAYS have some form of epidemic to deal with. Yet we don't.
Toxic environmental factors CAUSE the host's cellular terrain to deteriorate into genetic fragments, and then the microbes are dispatched to remove the waste byproduct of this toxic deterioration. For this reason, the terrain theory asserts that through good nutrition, mental and emotional well-being, proactive detoxification methods(exercise, fasting, pure water...), maintaining proper pH etc., that a healthy terrain which is not overly toxic is well equipped to quickly and efficiently handle any foreign toxin, poison, micro-organisms or other cellular fragments(wrongly being called “viruses”), which may find their way into the body, likely from a vaccine injection. A weak bodily terrain, however, is more vulnerable to external invaders such as toxins from chemicals used to grow or prepare foods, mold, heavy metals including mercury, Phthalates(micro plastics) and other toxins found in personal care products, medications, even antibiotics in conventional meat processing, and chemicals sprayed in the air, etc.
The whole concept is based on the fact that unhealthy conditions encourage disease(the undesirable symptoms of the detoxification process), but with overall health, the immune system is more than capable of doing what it was designed and equipped to do.
"If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat - diseased tissue - rather than being the cause of dead tissue. In other words, mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant." --Dr. Rudolph Virchow, the Father of Modern Pathology(the study of what makes us sick)
The terrain theory affirms that an individual can handle outside invaders or threats which can potentially cause disease if they maintain a healthy bodily terrain. The opposite is also true as a weak bodily terrain is more susceptible to disease. This is the reason why some family members battle cancer, diabetes or heart disease. It's not because of genetics or that diseases are contagious, it's because unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle run in the family, and they're exposed to the same environmental toxins.
The same is true for "catching" a disease. We can't "catch" something because these internally derived dead cell fragments (wrongly called “viruses”) are specific to specific cells in the body, and doesn't come from the outside. This is why if scavenger bacterial microbes appear in large quantities in your lungs for example, it won't affect your kidneys or heart unless those organs were somehow also affected by the same toxins. In short, dead cell debris (wrongly labeled as “viruses”), do not migrate to other parts of the body or “infect” them in any way, because they are DEAD, and simply require removal from the body by the microbes that the Creator designed WITHIN the body for that exact purpose. So even the notion that it can jump between people is ludicrous and mocks known Biology and even the Creator Himself. As Antoine Bechamp said, "We don't catch disease. We build it."
What is a virus?
The hidden truth is that the word virus actually comes from Latin, which means, poisonous or toxic substance. A real virus is a well-organized molecular substance such as snake or insect venom or toxic substance from plants or man-made chemicals like food preservatives and things like glyphosates(Roundup) used to kill weeds, they are not some living organism that has the ability to replicate on its own, and it's NOT contagious. The word virus is being incorrectly used to scam us.
The human body has trillions of cell particulates(wrongly called “viruses”) and micro-organisms that live on our skin, in our intestines, mucous membranes etc. While the human body has at least 38 trillion bacteria(aka “germs”), it's estimated that we have about 380 trillion dead cell particulates, cell or DNA fragments, or debris (again, wrongly called “viruses”), in a community known as the human virome. Yes, 380 trillion dead cell fragments which either need removed as waste or are needed by cells as fuel or building blocks for new cells. This means we're always breathing, eating and touching what “they”, our indoctrinators wrongly call “viruses”.
So how can something that's a normal part of us be our enemy? This is like saying our eyes or legs cause disease! Some of these particles are made within our body specifically for a cell, or group of cells or organs.
We have trillions of these for various reasons and purposes. They ensure the "spring cleaning" maintenance of bodily tissues and functions from a cellular level upwards. In short, those particles that they call “viruses” are NOT contagious, and this is a fact that modern science seems to pretend doesn’t exist. Regardless of their blatant denial of real science, no clinical research has ever been able to demonstrate or prove a link between what they are now wrongly calling a “contagious virus” as the actual cause of any disease.
Germ theory became established as an international dogma "thanks to" the policies and eugenics programs of the Third Reich, supported by the Illuminati Rockefeller Institute and financed by the Rothschilds, the banker family who has funneled funds from Vatican accounts for every war, civil unrest, genocide, economic collapse and human trafficking in the world, and is the Right-Arm and scapegoat of the Vatican's world control system.
It was a lie from the very beginning.
Health Pioneer, Aajonus Vonderplanitz speaking on the germ theory fraud: "You're working under a wrong premise to begin with and you're never going to find the answer if you do that. Viruses[referring to DNA/RNA cell fragments] have no nucleus. There's no respiratory system. There's no circulatory system. There's no digestive system. Viruses are not alive. That is like saying soap is alive. They're not alive. They are soaps. However, more accurately, they're enzymes to fractionate tissue for waste elimination."
The Truth About Viruses
The true and original meaning of “virus” is a poisonous substance, most specifically, snake or spider venom. The presence of a micro-organism or DNA/RNA fragments that the so-called mainstream “science” insist on labeling as “viruses”, doesn't mean it's the cause of an illness; and coughing, sneezing and spitting are not vehicles for the transmission of disease. This is because saliva, containing digestive enzymes, and mucus membranes break down any such particles.
This point is EXTREMELY important to understand as countless experiments were done with people who supposedly had pathogenic viruses and were put next to healthy people to see how the "virus" is transmitted. During the Spanish Flu for example, patients who were sick were put next to a healthy person so they would cough and sneeze on them. Throughout these experiments, doctors found that the healthy person did NOT get sick as a result of this exposure.
Since they are not living organisms, these cellular fragment debris (wrongly called “viruses”), do not have the ability to invade or infect cells. These “fragments” cannot enter through wounds because we bleed outwardly, not inwardly Our skin is not a vehicle for transmission because the fragments cannot cross dead skin layers. Cellular fragments cannot enter through the eyes because the mucus membranes and the immune system discard small amounts of proteins such as fragmented cellular debris. Since some of these fragments are made for specific cells, groups of cells or organs, they cannot cross between organs in the same body. Hence it's also impossible for genetic debris fragments to "jump" between people, they’re NOT living, and they cannot "jump" between species either, because;
a) They are NOT contagious, and
b) Because animal DNA/RNA is NOT compatible with human DNA/RNA. The only possible way an animal tissue can be absorbed into human blood is through INJECTIONS containing other animal tissue.
Sound familiar?
That’s precisely what “vaccine” injections contain and accomplish. Hence countless vaccines including the "flu" shot contain DNA from birds, monkeys, donkeys, cows, pigs, mice, insects AND, aborted(murdered) human baby cells; not to mention the vast variety of heavy metals and other toxins used as adjutants(blood barrier enhancers).
The human body has trillions of fragmented cell particlesand micro-organisms that live in our skin, intestines, mucous membranes etc. None have EVER been identified or proven to cause any symptoms. The ONLY way to get a cell fragment(wrongly called “virus”) inside you is through INJECTION or blood transfusion.
Well what about the seasonal flu?!
It's not uncommon for one or two people who live or work together to get the “flu” at the same time. (“the flu”, aka, the NORMAL human detoxification process which has the set of symptoms IDENTICAL to the disease they are now calling Covid-19) - Coincidentally(if you believe in such a thing as coincidence), the CDC intentionally stopped recording “flu” cases in March of 2020 and has yet to begin again, as of (Oct. 2021)… Just sayin’. Apparently, “covid-19” was the cure for the “flu” {tongue-in-cheek}
But if there is no such thing a the flu, aka “contagious viral disease” claimed to be caused by rogue genetic cell fragments, then what is it? Before we discuss why or how this is possible, it's very important to understand what the “FLU” actually is.
Influenza, which is commonly known as the "flu" is classed as an infectious disease by mainstream science. But as we have already established, the theory that modern science and medicine use is flawed. So, we need a brief history lesson.
Before 1889, what we today know as the flu, or, influenza, had the same characteristics for thousands of years. People knew influenza as an unpredictable disease that came and went without warning. At times, it wouldn't be seen for years or even decades. This is the reason people called it "influenza"
because they believed the comings and goings of this mysterious disease was governed by the "influence" of the stars. (they were actually pretty close...) However, from 1889, influenza took on some new and different characteristics and frequency of occurrence.
For one, it became a YEARLY disease that appeared to be triggered more or less at the same time each year, and broke out in widely separated parts of the world. Doctors also couldn't understand some of the symptoms including mental issues, still births, birth defects, neurological disorders etc. Equally, influenza seemed to target a particular age group, which was between 21 - 50 years old. (My theory is this is connected to the increased affects of electro-magnetic waves on denser lean muscle tissue). But the most important thing they observed is that influenza was NOT contagious because it was physically impossible for people in different parts of the world to be sick at the same time WITHOUT having come into contact with others, especially if the outbreak was within a day or two of each other. Add to that the fact that there were no planes of course. The other reason they didn’t believe it was contagious was that not everyone always became sick when in the presence of other sick people.
In 2001, a team of three experts including two physicians and the Canadian astronomer Ken Tapping, found that for at least 300 years, influenza pandemics have most likely occurred during peaks of solar magnetic activity, which is at the height of each eleven-year sun cycle.
Johannes Mygge, a Danish physician, also noted that influenza had something to do with electricity. In fact, 1889 was the year that man-made electrical disturbances of the earth's atmosphere were happening all over the world. It was the year that the modern electrical era opened and central power stations were commercially possible. Many thousands of miles of electrical wiring was stretched over the roofs of populated areas.
Seasonal flu continued...
R. Edgar Hope-Simpson, one of the world's authorities on influenza, also pointed out that there was no evidence that influenza can be transmitted from person to person. Through his research, Hope-Simpson found that whatever it is that triggers influenza is somehow associated with variations in solar radiation, and that it's electromagnetic in nature.
Like Hope-Simpson, many experts who looked at the evidences and who did not have any financial incentives to lie, came to the same conclusion: influenza is not a germ or a “virus”, but is the result of and closely related to or triggered by electrical variations in the environment.
The MODERN “flu” as opposed to the original “influenza” that preceded the modern electrical era, is merely the word label also wrongly applied to the symptoms which are the result of the normal human detoxification process.
So this begs the question, how can one person "infect" another? Answer: They can’t.
There are two ways that two or more people can simultaneously have the detoxification symptoms around the same time.
Firstly, whatever it is that is occasionally happening in the atmosphere, it affects different people at the same time. So, if there's an increase in electromagnetic radiation, this will affect different people in a local or worldwide scale. But why does it affect some people and not the others and of those it does affect, why is it not always the same? Because our immune systems and tolerances to electromagnetic fields are different; this is clearly studied and described in the book by Arthor Firstenberg called “The Invisible Rainbow” where he shows the results of decades of research which proved that not all people are affected by electrical variations in the same way and certainly not to the same degree. Some have a high tolerance to electro-magnetic waves and seem to have no apparent affect on them, at least outwardly, whereas others can be sensitive to varying degrees, from mild irritations like ringing in the ears, all the way to severe physical disease and even death from the same exposure as those who are unaffected by it. Not only can electro-magnetic waves cause specific and differing illness or dis-ease, but is believed to possibly be one of the triggering mechanisms for the body’s natural detoxification process(wrongly labeled as a cold or flu). So basically, when these electromagnetic atmospheric events happen, those who are sensitive to them may have various symptoms related directly to the electromagnetic event, AND, in addition, these events may also trigger a detox response in those same sensitive individuals depending on their current level of health and toxicity.
As explained in the Terrain Theory, if our body's internal environment is healthy, then we won't be affected or easily affected by environmental toxicity or electromagnetic events. If however, someone has a compromised immune system because of poor diet or exposure to other harmful environmental variables, they become more susceptible to these toxins and events.
Another reason why some have illness at the same time is because of the FEAR factor. Countless studies show that chronic fear has a significant effect on the immune system, a triggering, which manifests in illness (most often the illness is derived from the detox being triggered).
This happens when we're anxious around others who are sick and fear getting sick ourselves; especially when the fear is being propagated by the government coupled with their fascist mega corporations(Walmart, Sams Club and the like...), and mainstream media all pushing continual 24/7 fear at every turn. Masks, lockdowns, distancing, threats of martial law, absurd mandates, the threat of forced INJECTIONS for all, the threat of losing ones job if they don’t get the poison injection...etc.
When we already have a compromised immune system, add that level fear to it and that can be a prime trigger for a detox cycle. And “they” know this, which is why they’re doing it.
Another possibility is that the potential for beginning a detox cycle remains "latent" until it's activated by an environmental trigger, especially electromagnetic radiation and even changes in seasonal weather patterns and most definitely after being injected with KNOWN toxins from so-called, “vaccines”(but I’m sure that’s just another COINCIDENCE).
This is why even if one or two people in the same family are detoxing, other members of the family often may not be susceptible at that time, different triggers, different tolerances...etc. If it was contagious, as claimed by modern monkey-man science and their germ theory, everyone in the same household or work place would get it. For instance, during the "Hong Kong Flu" pandemic in 1968, it was also observed that many times, only one person in a household had the “flu” and others were completely unaffected.
Why lie about these naturally occurring cellular DNA/RNA fragments by calling them “viruses”, when they don’t even remotely fit the original definition of a “virus”?
By now, you may be asking yourself why in the world would “mainstream medicine” LIE about what they call viruses, and in general, diseases? There are countless ways the Germ Theory benefits those who push this dangerous propaganda. Pasteur's fraudulent theory laid the groundwork for vaccines, chemotherapy, radiation, synthetic drugs, surgical
removal of body parts etc., sold to the public as the ONLY possible options for better healthcare...
With this theory, the worldwide trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry has a customer from birth till death. In fact, the first vaccine scheduled for babies, Hepatitis B, must be given to a newborn within 24 hours of arriving in this world. What a pathetic protocol by those who have sworn to “do no harm”.
So, a baby whose immune system hasn't developed is ASSAULTED with a “vaccine” that contains mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde (known cancer-causing
ingredients) and other toxic ingredients. Even worse is that a baby's blood brain barrier (which protects toxins from reaching the brain) is not fully intact and thus makes it easy for these toxins to reach and damage the brain. Hence, Hepatitis B vaccine is associated with 60 diseases or adverse reactions including anaphylactic shock, Autism, Autoimmune inflammatory polyneuropathy, Bell's palsy, chronic arthritis. Multiple Sclerosis and even death.
By convincing the world with the fear tactic that we are just "disease machines" waiting to happen and thus need TOXIC medical intervention from birth to be and stay healthy, the profit-driven criminal pharmaceutical industry has dominated the world with its financially exploitable theory. There’s actually a biblical description for this practice, it’s called “Witchcraft” and “Sorcery” and comes from the Greek word, “pharmakia”, where we get the English words, “pharmacy” and “pharmaceutical”.
In Revelation 18:23, talking about the end times just before Jesus is to return:
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee(the world); and the voice of the bridegroom(Jesus) and of the bride(true believers) shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries(pharmaceuticals) were all nations deceived.”
Hmmm, sound familiar? Biblical Prophesy is being fulfilled this very moment on a world wide scale – it’s unmistakable; “deceived by their pharmaceuticals” - They even use the same word as the bible to describe what they do.
By promoting the notion that diseases are invisible bogey-men lurking in the AIR, lying-in-wait, ready to pounce on their victims when opportunity arises; implies the medical community's calling and responsibility to find cures.
According to the Germ Theory, what is important is not the CAUSE of a disease or how to cure it, but how to manage its symptoms, by any means necessary. And THERE is where the CON is. HEALTHCARE(aka, Symptom Management)
This theory that we can "catch" disease anywhere at anytime makes people powerless because a healthy diet, active lifestyle, focus on mental health, positive outlook on life etc. are useless under that model of BELIEF, since disease is everywhere and we can "catch" it from others at any given moment.
"Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur's germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity."
--E. Douglas Hume
Why lie about viruses? Continued...
Not only is this theory making people fear their environment, and their fellow human beings, but it's claiming that God did a poor job of creating our bodies by giving us flawed immune systems that NEED human medical intervention to even function at their full capacities.
It's also causing people to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY dependent on invasive surgeries and treatments, synthetic drugs, vaccines and toxic protocols that Big Pharma offers. After all, you and I are too ignorant to understand the body, as we don't have conventional allopathic "medical" background. (Thank God!)
To go that route, we must therefore put our blind faith in these self-proclaimed "experts" and not take any responsibility for our own health. That’s what they’re shooting for, and that’s precisely why they are pushing hard on getting everyone on GOVERNMENT entitlement Healthcare such as the failed “Obama-Care”. Don’t think that that chapter is closed, it is not, they MUST have it for their One World Government system to work and eventually they will succeed; likely sooner than anyone thinks. THINK ABOUT IT. It was slated to be in full play BEFORE this planned fake-demic. Why? Technically, the way Obama-Care was designed, we all would have been essentially forced to consent to the GOVERNMENT having complete LEGAL autonomy over ALL our health decisions, most importantly, “VACCINATIONS”.
Come-on! Can you see it now? Are you getting that all of this was part of a “plan” to place all of us under complete subjection to the hidden world powers, by proxy of our fascist governments? (“hidden” = The Vatican, aka the “Beast System” and it’s “image” the NWO(U.N.))
It’s like one of those old mall posters that you had to stare at for a while until all the sudden the hidden 3D image jumped-out at you – remember those? So if you’re still not getting it, just keep looking, I promise it’ll jump-out at you at some point.
Okay, you may ask, if God did such a great job then why are people dying from the natural detoxification process?
Great question. And AGAIN the answer is, there is nothing wrong with Gods design, as long as the MANUAL for living which God gave us is adhered to. The main problem is is that “man” has determined by it’s own ignorant will that it knows better than the creator; which is where Big Pharma and mainstream “medicine” come in to allegedly save the day. It’s their sheer ignorance, greed and power-lust that explains these deaths, by designing and promoting the use of symptom masking products and thus circumventing Gods process, compounding the severity of the inevitable sickness that we’ve heaped upon our own heads.
Lets dig in a little deeper on this one shall we.
Before the modern concept of “influenza”, which is merely the relabeling of the detox process, and needlessly kills millions all over the world every year because of so-called “medical interventions”, which began with modern industry, including electricity, absurd medical procedures and chemical concoctions(snake-oil) designed to MASK the symptoms of the normal detoxification process created by God; people still got sick and died before all this, but no where on the massive scale that we see today, and the main causes of those deaths before modernization can be chalked-up to poor diet, filthy living, harsh working conditions and idiot doctors and scientists performing insane procedures like the one that killed President George Washington, “blood-letting” – he literally had a “sore throat” and the cutting-edge “medical procedure” that best doctors in the land at the time came-up with was to bleed him to death. In God’s MANUAL for living, what they did wascalled, “witchcraft”, “pharmakia”, aka, rebellion against Gods will. I guess you can say that that deist, Washington, got exactly what he deserved considering that being a deist fully qualifies him for Romans 1:28.
People are dying en-mass today of an overloaded detox process, not a “virus”, because:
#1) Rather than let the God designed process play out, ie. fever, cough,sneeze, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, congestion, etc., because one doesn’t want the discomfort of the symptoms of their natural detox process, they in turn COMPOUND and delay the problem by taking over-the-counter or prescribed medications that only MASK the symptoms and in doing so HALT the normal God provided detox process – and because these man-made chemical “medicines” also contain poisonous substances, they also INCREASE their toxicity.
This halting of the normal detox by masking the symptoms may make you feel better and appear to shorten sickness duration's for the first few times that you do it, but what happens over time is those toxins REMAIN in your body, many causing other health issues such as sore or achy joints, arthritis, heart and circulatory issues, neurological problems, allergies, digestive and bowel problems, etc.,
All these toxins are also forced to be stored-up for a later detox along with the original toxins which you halted from being purged in the natural way.
Now here’s where the problem of possible DEATH comes in; there is a LIMIT to the amount of toxins that your body can safely store-up before they must be purged, and when that limit is reached, and a detox is triggered, the masking medicines become ineffective, the body attempts one last ditch effort to flush all the toxins at once – the result is that to do that it triggers an over production of all the bacteria needed to process-out the toxins and dead debris from the body. One of the main exit points to expel these toxic waste byproducts from the body is the lungs – normally, a relatively healthy person going through a regular detox who isn’t severely toxic, may have a little coughing and slight congestion for a few days until all the waste is expelled; but someone who has repeatedly deferred the natural process by compounding more toxins; causes the phlegm byproduct of the over abundance of bacteria in the lungs which causes pneumonia, a clogging and cutting-off the oxygen to the blood, basically drowning and suffocating from the excess production of waste. This attempt to expel excessive toxic waste normally wouldn't happen if the toxicity wasn't compounded by previously halting the process with symptom masking medications...
It’s kind of like waiting until your grass is a foot and a half high before you decide to mow it – it’s going to be a long and arduous process, you can only go half the speed at best, you’ll constantly be having to stop and unclog the blade area, and even when you’re done cutting, you’re still not done, because now you have clumps and masses of grass laying around that if you don’t rake it all up and dispose of it now, next week when you have to cut again, it’s just as difficult and time consuming, it looks like crap and even smells bad because of the molding clumps… If you would have only cut it when it was a manageable 6 inches high; it would have taken a fraction of the time, no raking and hauling, no bad smell, looks better, and would be easier to manage the next week...
And the second reason people are dying en-mass today:
#2) Usually when a detox becomes this severe, we end up in the hospital where now you are susceptible to, hands-down, THEE number one cause of death in the world – no, not heart disease, nor cancer, but DOCTORS and their inane drugs and procedures! Especially during a fake-demic like 2020/2021, where they are INCENTIVIZED by vastly more money if their patients are treated as a “covid case”… Which means they’re not treating you for the pneumonia that you’re dying from, and you end up dying with a ventilator shoved-down your throat and an overdose of midazolam sedative.
This fake “virus” propaganda runs deep because in addition to diseases being called “contagious” or "infectious" we're also sold the notion that these diseases can also be genetic, instead of admitting that family members get sick because their diet and lifestyle are the same, and/or they're exposed to the same environmental toxins.
During the war years of 1918-1919, the US army had about 6 million men, with 2 million sent oversees, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, which is behind the toxic
medical system in the world, took advantage of this opportunity. How? By using the men as human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments. For example, experimental anti-meningococci serum that was derived from horses was injected into soldiers. This resulted in bacterial pneumonia, which is why according to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia showed up on the autopsies of over 90 percent of those who died.
"It was a common expression during the war that more soldiers were killed by vaccine shots than by shots from enemy guns."
--E. McBean
Once this experiment was tested on the soldiers, it was then rolled out for the world population. This is important to understand because the self proclaimed “elite's” agenda is not only about making money, but more importantly for them, it’s about mass world control through eugenics, aka, depopulation through vaccines, famine, wars, toxic medical drugs and treatments, GMO food, Wi-Fi, Cell phone radiation and their new weapon called 5G/6G, etc.
“They” believe there are too many people in the world, and that it would be more easily and comfortably manageable if there were only five hundred million fully indoctrinated and compliant people on earth. 7.5 Billion are simply too many to easily CONTROL. This current Coronavirus plan/scam/fake-demic is the last step in controlling, enslaving and depopulating the masses through their vaccines. (pharmakia/sorceries, Rev 18:23).
Countless have already died through suicide, loneliness, depression etc. since the beginning of the lock-downs; and now they’re dying in massively larger numbers as a result of taking the “covid vaccine” injections. This fear tactic of a bogey-man “virus” is the only weapon that people would not suspect because most people are ignorant of human biology, history and politics to see the fallacies. They don’t even realize that many of them are getting very sick or dying because they ignorantly fell for this deceptive con-job and even gave their own consent to possibly be injected to death.
If we all knew that it's impossible to "catch" a “virus”, we couldstop living in fear and stop believing and allowing governments to control us even more than they are already have. And ultimately be much healthier in the end.
In Summary
When someone from the government, media, medical or scientific establishments use the term, “virus”, they could mean any number of concepts or definitions depending on their field of view and intentions for use. Sad, but true. But rarely will you find one who uses it according to it’s true scientific definition, which is:
“virus” – a venom, as from a snake or spider, or a toxic substance such as arsenic, lead, mercury, or a man-made chemical compounds like Ethylene Glycol, Dioxin, cyanide, or weed killers like glyphosates(Roundup)… Real viruses are NOT “contagious” and cannot be “caught” or “passed” from others by their breathing, coughing or sneezing ejections from those who are affected by them.
Our indoctrinators and manipulators, aka, “they”, for their purposes of using fear, fantastical illusions and toxins to control the population, want you and I to believe that “virus” means a tiny invisible DNA/RNA fragment, that if touched, breathed or ingested into the body, will then setup camp, “invade” your healthy cells and use them as “mini virus manufacturing plants” to mass produce more of itself with the intended result of making you sick so that “it” can then be forced out of your body in massive quantities through your breath, sneezing, coughing, spit and mucus for the sole purpose of ensuring the continued existence of it’s “species” through the contagious spreading and parasitism of other human body's. AS IF these non living, non animated “virus” fragments were little intelligent sentient beings on a mission... What a load of BS! Yet we all fell for it at some point.
Wise-up! Stop believing in fairy-tale nonsense. Stop consenting to absurd and ridiculous invasive and freedom limiting actions. Refuse to participate in their voluntary sterilization, death and madness program.
You never know, with a little God-given intelligence, you may actually live long enough to see Jesus come in the clouds. And you’re gonna want to be on the correct side of that event when it happens. :)
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